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Data center firewalls and perimeter firewalls are both designed to protect an organization’s assets. A perimeter firewall refers to a security application that defends the boundary between a private network and a public network. Its goal is to prevent unwanted or suspicious data from entering the network. While However, unlike a perimeter firewall, a data center firewall is designed to protect virtual machines hosted within an organization’s data center.

The specific services offered us vary depending on the specific needs of the organization. However, all these services can help organizations protect their networks from unauthorized access and attacks.


We offer a variety of services to help organizations protect their networks from unauthorized access and attacks. The services are as follows:

The cost of firewall implementation can vary depending on the specific framework that is used and the size and complexity of the organization. However, the cost is typically justified by the benefits that firewall Implementation can provide, such as improved security, reduced risks, and increased compliance.

Nishaj offers the resources and knowledge necessary to set up and maintain the Firewall solution that will be advantageous to your company.

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