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HOME | Mobile Application Security Testing


Mobile application VAPT is the process of evaluating the security of a mobile application to identify and address vulnerabilities. It is a critical component of any mobile app development process and can help to protect users from data breaches and other malicious attacks.

There are many different types of mobile application security testing, each with its own unique focus. Some of the most common types of mobile application security testing include:

The specific type of mobile application security testing that is conducted will vary depending on the organization’s needs and the specific risks that it faces.

Mobile application security testing is an important part of any mobile app development process. By identifying and addressing vulnerabilities, organizationsreduce their risk of being attacked and protect their users’ data.


Nishaj offers a variety of services to help organizations improve the security of their mobile applications. These services include the following:

For all your mobile application security testing/VAPT needs, Nishaj is right here to help.

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