HOME | SSPA/SOC 1 Type 1/2 Attestation


SSPA/SOC 1 Type 1/2 attestation is a type of audit that is conducted to assess the internal controls of a service organization. The audit is conducted by a third-party auditor and results in a report that attests to the effectiveness of the organization’s internal controls over financial reporting.

SSPA/SOC 1 attestations are often required by organizations that outsource their financial reporting to a service organization. These organizations need to be able to rely on the service organization’s internal controls to ensure that their financial statements are accurate.

SSPA/SOC 1 Type 1 and Type 2 attestations differ in the scope of the audit.

An SSPA/SOC 1 Type 1 attestation is a snapshot of the organization’s internal controls at a specific point in time.

An SSPA/SOC 1 Type 2 attestation, on the other hand, covers a period and includes testing of the organization’s internal controls over a period of time.


Our services offerings pertaining to SSPA/SOC 1 Type 1/2 attestation includes the following:

In addition to these core services, we also offer services, such as:

If you are looking for ways to demonstrate your organization’s commitment to SOC 1Type 1 Audit, obtaining SOC 1Type 1Attestation certification is an excellent option to consider. Nishaj is right here to help

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